Category: Readings
Recent Reads: Alisa Lebow, So Mayer, Leo Goldsmith, etc.
— This is absolutely invaluable: “The Radical Copyeditor’s Style Guide for Writing about Transgender People” by Alex Kapitan. — Margaret
2018: 10 Great Writers
This Happy New Year post is a way of thanking ten writers who gave me much reading pleasure and taught
Recent Reads: FSFF Turns 10; Teaching Media Against the Global Right, etc.
— Here’s wishing Catherine Grant’s pioneering, iconic blog Film Studies for Free a Happy 10-year Anniversary! Catherine has put up
Recent Reads: Woman with a Movie Camera, etc.
I’m starting a new monthly feature here for recent, particularly interesting reads about cinema, feminism, and politics. Here we go:
TIFF 2015: Jerzy Skolimowski; Tsai Ming-liang
I’ve long heard good things about Jerzy Skolimowski; particularly esteemed are the four features he made in the 1960s, including
TIFF 2015: Films and their Paratext
Two films at TIFF, both by filmmakers who exhibit their work in museums and galleries, raised for me some interesting
Gina Telaroli and Kurt Walker
One of the “possible futures” of cinema (to use Gina Telaroli’s phrase) can be glimpsed on this Tumblr page, on