Selected pieces

For a New Cinephilia — a manifesto for a film culture of the future. (Film Quarterly)

Time’s Up for the Male Canon — on auteurism as a “manspreading machine.” (Film Quarterly Quorum)

Indigenous Cinema and the Limits of Auteurism. (Criterion)

A Cinema of Sensation — on Claire Denis’ Beau Travail. (Criterion)

Re-enactment in Non-Fiction Film. (Film Comment)

Rethinking Film Evaluation — on the politics of film evaluation, and how it disadvantages women filmmakers. (Film Quarterly Quorum)

Hidden Histories: The Story of Women Film Editors. (Criterion)

A Flashlight Cinema — on Lynne Ramsay’s Ratcatcher. (Criterion)

The Nomadic Cinephilia of Ruun Nuur. (Framework Journal of Film & Media)

Subjunctive Cinema — on the “cinema of futurity” at IDFA, Amsterdam. (Film Quarterly Quorum)

Conservative Pushback in Film Culture — a response to an editorial in Cineaste against “cancel culture.” (Blog)

No-Home Movie — an essay on Aki Kaurismäki’s The Other Side of Hope. (Criterion)

Dancing on the Ruins — an essay on Olivier Assayas’ Cold Water. (Criterion)

A Double Life — on 100 years of films about the immigrant experience. (Film Comment)

An Authentic Cinema — an essay on Ken Loach’s I, Daniel Blake. (Criterion)

Behind the Universal — an essay on Satyajit Ray’s Apu Trilogy. (Criterion)

James Gray A-Z — an essay-glossary. (LOLA)

Economics is Emotion — an essay on Jean-Pierre & Luc Dardenne’s Two Days, One Night. (Criterion)

The Evanescent Moment — a conversation with Jordan Cronk about The New Cinephilia. (Los Angeles Review of Books)

More Writings:

Coronavirus and New Forms of Cinematic Event. (In Media Res)

History and Memory — on Rea Tajiri’s 1991 film. (Club des Femmes)

Women-made Indigenous Cinema from Canada — An annotated media playlist. (St. Andrews Playlist Initiative)

Mouthpiece — on Patricia Rozema’s film. (Cinema Scope)

La La Land and its Discontents — on the film’s critical reception. (Another Gaze)

Vai — on a film made by 8 Pasifika (Pacific Indigenous) women. (#Directed by Women)

Returnings to Life — on the historic and restored North Park Theatre in Buffalo, and a screening of Pather Panchali. (Criterion)

Crisis Cinema — on TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) 2013. (LOLA)

Road Trip — on TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) 2012. (LOLA)

Close Readings — on their importance to the study of film. (The Cine-Files)

A Universe of New Images — on digital cinephilia. (Frames Cinema Journal)

Still Life — part of a collective response to Leos Carax’s Holy Motors. (LOLA)

Four Easy Pieces — on 4 films at TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival) 2008. (Artforum)