Category: Film Culture

British Film Criticism

For many reasons, the French and the Americans hold a special, oversized, mythic place in the story of film criticism.

Letter to Comrade Girish (on “The New Cinephilia”)

Below is a letter from Adrian Martin, my co-editor on LOLA. My heartfelt thanks, dear Comrade Adrian, for these characteristically

The New Cinephilia

I’m happy to announce that my book, The New Cinephilia, is now out. It is part of caboose’s Kino-Agora series,

On Video Essays, Cinephilia and Affect

Even though I don’t teach in the cinema studies discipline, I have made a habit, in the last few years,

Vulgar Auteurism

The idea of “vulgar auteurism” has generated a flurry of posts and discussions in Internet film culture recently. Let me

Online Program Notes

I’ve embarked on a small project: to add to my blogroll a new category of links to film screening venues

On “Room 237”, Criticism and Theory

Jonathan Rosenbaum and I caught a screening of the documentary Room 237 in Toronto, but we had to dash off

Film Studies and Canon Building

The air is filled with the sound of canons! The world of journalistic/cinephile film culture is astir with discussion and

Criticism and Context; Jia Zhangke

One of the most intriguing aspects of the Movie Mutations project is that it brought together a number of film


Adrian Martin and I are excited to announce the launch of our new Internet film journal LOLA. We’ve worked steadily