Category: Criticism

Ecosystems: From Sable Island to Documentary Platforms
On experimental documentary and a visit to Hot Docs, Toronto

Subjunctive Cinema
For Film Quarterly Quorum: on the cinema of futurity at IDFA (International Film Festival Amsterdam).

A Cinema of Sensation: Beau Travail
For Criterion: liner essay for dvd/blu-ray of “Beau Travail” (Claire Denis, 1999).

U.S. Micro-Budget Indie Cinema
(This one’s for Matthew.) Last summer, Dan Sallitt posted this startling tweet: “Wondering if it’s just a blip or whether

British Film Criticism
For many reasons, the French and the Americans hold a special, oversized, mythic place in the story of film criticism.

Mise en Scène Multiplicity
Over the last week I’ve been enjoying Adrian Martin’s new book Mise en Scène and Film Style: From Classical Hollywood

TIFF 2014, part 3: Short Takes
To conclude my TIFF coverage: some impressions and ideas sparked by ten films … National Gallery (Frederick Wiseman, France/USA). One